Zen enlightenment left its traces in many Zen stories from China, Japan and other countries. These stories are ancient teachings about enlightenment. Find your own enlightenment story to make your life meaningful!
Be cautious. If you want to achieve enlightenment, you miss it. If you don't care about enlightenment, you may fail as well. Is there any way out? Try! It's not difficult.
Chinese Zen Enlightenment
Enlightenment in Chinese Zen originally meant foolish thinking. No logic, reason or argument. It was called no-thinking.
Zen words
Cows, dogs, men, women and mountains are all enlightened...A funny legend, and I think the Chinese storytellers laughed when they saw the stupefied faces of their listeners.
One day, monk Chou asked his master Li Chou for enlightenment.
The cow moos, the dog barks, a mountain is no tree, Li said.
That's not enough, Chou protested.
The master hit him with his dirty underpants.
Chou was immediately enlightened.
What's the Meaning of Life?
A neighbour brought a baby girl to Master No-No.Strange these Japanese Zennists, aren't they?
"It's your child", the neighbour said. "Is that so?" No-No said and looked after the girl for thirty years until the neighbour finally came back.
"Where is Master No-No?" the neighbour asked.
"I don't know," a young woman said, "I'm Master Yes-Yes".
"Is that so?" the neighbour said and went home.
What gives Life Meaning?
"It was in the jungles of Vietnam.Enlightenment makes little sense to you? But that's what Zen is all about.
My platoon was on a search and rescue mission when I suddenly realised my enlightenment. I was shaken to the core.
There was only my buddy Allan to talk to about it.
"Ok, ok", Allan said.
When the Congs were defeated I left the army, surrendered to Hirikara Roshi and practised Zen at Kyojijiji Zen temple.
I'm deeply thankful to my Master Hirikara Roshi for his guidance and for having deepened my insights into emptiness and the voice of the dharma.